Orlov V.V.

The enthusiast of a science.


To Dan Brown.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.


PETER’S THE GREAT CODEThe tsar is a difficult profession itself. And if to consider only the domestic autocrats strangled by own guardsmen and undermined by any freezed Kalyaevs, is also ungrateful! But, despite of «complexity and intensity» to become tsars dreamt many persons, if not everybody that is why they climbed up a throne by truth or by not truth. By this reason appeared on a bosom of history with an enviable constancy all colours rascals-impostors – the whole brood Lzhedmitriev, pseudo Petrs the Second and pseudo Petrs the Third, grand duchesses Tarakanovy and innumerable amounts of faults cesarevitchs and grand dukes. Perhaps only one Russian monarch managed to avoid not only "imposture" but even its attempts. Hardly there would be an adventurer dared to parody this outstanding person. The speech certainly about Peter the Great. He has made unreal much for one person. Actually alone he has destroyed the whole state (the Moscow Kingdom) its authorities (boyarskaya Duma) its armed forces (streltsy) its way of life traditions and outlooking. But the most important thing is that Peter has revolved a geopolitical vector of the country development on 180 degrees. Russia’s expansion foreordained by God to the East promising fabulous profits has been left for the sake of a painful prolonged war for a fruitless piece of the Baltic coast.

Refusal from boundless like Pacific Ocean, perspectives in Asia and even in America in favour of gloomy shherist pool has definitively been issued by the basis of St.-Petersburg. The history knows lots of examples from the Egyptian Pharaoh Ehnatona to the Kazakh president Nazarbayev when the governor-reformer (or is much more often the petty tyrant) transferred a capital on a new place where in shock terms by improbable efforts not simply new city was erected, but the new administrative-political centre of the state. Even in this row Peter's act has no analogues. Absolutely illogical carrying of a capital to the country suburb and the most uninhabited one and only just won from Swedes caused bewilderment even among his the most ardent associates. Resorting to allegories and comparing Empire with a body of the person a site of new capital figuratively they described as follows: «…as if his heart was under a forefinger nail».

Already to the time of a bookmark Petersburg had no any plus: neither as a city nor as a fortress or a port. Its strategic position was simply self-destructive: the border with Sweden was at a distance of one day transition of enemy army (in 1788 during the next « aggravation of international situation » Gustav III hardly will not take advantage, and the situation many years later will repeat and become the reason of the Soviet-Finnish war). Negligibly small was the meaning of St.Petersburg as a base of navy fleet first of all the water area freezes in winter and secondly to lock the fleet in Finland gulf does not represent difficulties (in time of Peter it was done by Swedes already in the Crimean war English have successfully done the same in the First and in the Second World Wars Germans. As a result Baltic-heroes have overstayed the mentioned cataclysms on galleys and participation in October revolution became the only thing for all history of Baltic navy fleet by their "outstanding" act. The harbour has one more unpleasant quality: high distillated waters because of which the tree in it decays catastrophically quickly (now perhaps the given circumstance is not of great importance, but in times of Peter when all fleet was wooden it caused more loss than enemy kernels). The unsuccessful arrangement on spot clamped among the sea lakes and bogs gives the chance to the potential opponent to block a city not only from the sea but also from a land (that visually have been shown again by Germans in the Great Patriotic War. And «to threaten the Swedes» or to someone else from here is rather inconvenient: in radius of forty kilometres from St.Petersburg there are no conditions simply for a concentration and expansion some large army forces. And at last as notorious «a window to Europe» Petersburg did not function at all they had not time to hammer the first pile when Russian armies have beaten off Riga, Swedes and all the trade with the West has gone through Baltic (even today the main stream of goods goes by sea to Klaipeda and further by rail. It means to drag cargo through three customs easier and more cheaply for businessmen than to unload in St.Petersburg. And as simply a settlement its price is a penny living on all imported not capable to support neither agriculture nor fishery with a purposeless climate. «The city which is not intended for a life» according to accurate Tatyana Tolstoy's characteristic …

In one word it is impossible to find any logical motive in the basis of St.Petersburg by simple reason that there are no any of them.

But Peter was too grandiose person to base a new capital proceeding from purely householding preconditions. May be something more global moved him? Let’s postpone for a time the guidebook of Leningrad region and take a map of Eurasia strangenesses will become visible at once.

PETER’S THE GREAT CODESt.Petersburg really has many sincere admirers despite of all listed above its unattractiveness. They can tell with ecstasy about it for hours listing hundreds sights and strewing gigabytes of historical inquiries. One elementary question from a school course of geography can confuse them. Ask them whether they know geographical co-ordinates of the favourite city? And in overwhelming majority of cases the silence will be the answer despite of remember them more than easily: 60 ° northern width and 30 ° east longitude. Whether figures are not too round and whether Peter specially fought for this place?!

Ah, what a surprising accident what a wonderful coincidence will exclaim sceptically adjusted opponents. And as for me there is nothing except to agree certainly this is coincidence and not more we consider present co-ordinates from Greenwich. Accident is especially fantastic: St.Petersburg has been put in 1703 and Greenwich meridian «placed in operation» as zero in "Rotundity" of figures itself might be mean nothing if not other "accidents", accompanying them.

So all Scandinavian capitals are located at 60th width! Capital of Finland Helsinki and capital of Norway Oslo lies practically on one straight line with St.Petersburg. Only present capital of Sweden Stockholm drops out of law but it has received the capital status on historical measures quite recently in 1523 and ancient capital of the country Uppsala (Vikings times) is located on this line too! Moreover, in this city there is a cathedral which is the greatest church construction in all Scandinavia up to nowdays. And as the place of carrying out of religious practices Uppsala is mentioned long before arrival of Christianity to this country there was a sanctuary of a pagan cartridge of Sweden God of abundance and Friys prosperity (it is in his honour in the English-speaking countries until now the fifth day of the week is named Friday – day Friy) and a sacred grove of the Supreme deity of Vikings of Odin (it represented itself a vile show enough as all trees in a memory of the self-crucifixion of Odin on the World tree have been “decorated" with the hung up captives). Oslo was the large pagan cult centre that has been reflected in its name which « occurs from word combination a Field of God ».

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEAll these cities are united by one more. Their real history is much longer than the official one. So, by the time of the first mention in ХI a century annals Uppsala was some centuries residence of the Swedish kings. It is considered that official date of Helsinki basis is 1550 when the Swedish king Gustav Vaza has published the decree about town erection in a river Vantanjoki mouth, however, they show to the tourists till now two medieval stone churches erected before the whole century earlier than the town (it is logically to assume that even earlier the same churches could be wooden any time). The year of Oslo basis is considered 1048 when in a gulf of Oslo-fjord appeared a small trading port, nevertheless, place of trade with shops, warehouses, hangars for boats, existed on this place since the Iron Age epoch already and the first people have lodged here at a crossroads of three glacial valleys 12000 years ago in the Glacial .

And last law is having the greatest value for our research. These cities are divided by approximately identical distance equal in radial measures to a step in 7 degrees along width. Judge yourself Oslo – 10°45 ’ east longitude; Uppsala – 17°39 ’ east longitude Helsinki – 24°56 ’ east longitude.; St.-Petersburg – 30°19 ’ east longitude.

However, on the continent the 60th parallel does not finish. To the West from Scandinavia it crosses small archipelago belonging to the Great Britain Orknejsky and the Shetland islands. Rags of a land sticking out of water were 11000-12000 years ago tops of the mountain ridge which are based nowadays at the bottom of the North Sea. Today this region of the United Kingdom is characterized by two indicators the lowest in Great Britain population density and the highest in the world density of megalithic objects. A Neolithic town Skara-Brey stone rings Brodgara and Stennessa, the artificial, astronomically focused barrow of Mejshou experts consider as more ancient constructions than the well-known Stonehendge. And how many similar objects has taken away from us by the sea we, possibly, never know.

I think even so short review it will be enough to draw a conclusion that despite of adverse environmental conditions area of 60th width has been inhabited densely enough since the glacial age. And St.Petersburg in this plan is without a sin.

Although the official version asserts that Peter I has based a town on an empty place the archeology of St.-Petersburg and its vicinities surprises with unexpected variety. The most ancient artifacts concern an epoch of mesolit and are dated VIII-VII millennium BC.

Since grey-haired pre-Ruric times there is a history of trade centre conditionally named archeologists «the Spassko-Gorodensky country churchyard». The treasures of the Arabian (!) coins concerning the time of active functioning are found «Ways from the Varangian in Greeks». The first of them (silver Sassanid coins VII-VIII centuries) has been found in 1797 during the building of Galernoj harbour in 1804. The serf has dug out on one of islands 7 poods of silver coins; and in 1941 the similar treasure (86 kufiches and Sassanid coins) has been found near Petrodvorets.

In XV-XVII centuries the structure of the Gorodensky country churchyard included all right bank of Neva and a part of the left bank. In the area of present Smolny cathedral there was a country churchyard centre - village Spassky. On a place of the former building of Petrozavod in lower reaches of Okhta a Russian trading settlement the Nevas small town stood too. Data of it are sketchy, but the small town Neva. has given beginning to international Nien.

By the end of XVII-th century on a territory of modern St.-Petersburg on a place Gorodensky and the next medieval country churchyards there was a free trading town of Nien, the Swedish fortress Nienschanz and other settlements: Mikutala, Kaljula, Sutala, Romanov. Sad destiny waited for them: in 1703 Russian will beat out Swedes from here and will wipe these settlements off the face of the earth, having disassembled to the last caber for building materials of a new capital.

As we were convinced the life continuously boiled here since mesolit and if scrape better a pagan temple will be found in these places. The first one was described by M.D.Chulkov in «Abevege of Russian superstitions» and by M.I.Pyljaev in «Old Petersburg». It is situated in 10 versts from St.-Petersburg along the Riga road and represented a sacred grove itself. The ancient huge linden so bound by branches with crones of the next trees that the arbour of a natural origin was formed in its centre. Local inhabitant came to a sacred grove at Ivan-Kupalu (feast) and spent here all night long «with cry, singing and dancings». In the end of vigil white cock was bringig as a victim and spells were saying. In the XVI century archbishop of Novgorod Makariy has equipped the special retaliatory expedition which has ruined «nasty idol chapel» but a grove have not cut down, and subsequently under a legendary linden Peter liked to have a rest.

I have not found documentary acknowledgement of existence another temple much more ominous but, nevertheless, «the oral tradition» has erected this town legend in a rank of absolute true. According to it in winter of 1923 during excavations around the Obvodnoj channel workers deeply underground have come across a certain stone construction - the granite plates located in the form of a circle. Their surface has been spotted by unintelligible inscriptions and signs and under the central plate human bones were found. The find was examined ostensibly by the archeologist but has not scrutinized probably anything worthy that is why the found plates have sawn on borders for roadways. With human remains they treated simplier having taken out them on a dump. The information about this sanctuary unexpectedly has been found in the Swedish chronicles. According to them in 1300 marshal Torkel having based in a mouth of the river Okhta a fortress of Landskronu has decided to "smooth out" coast of the rivers Keme (Fontanka) and Sutilly (volkovki) from unreliable natives. There on Sutilly banks Swedes also have come across on a temple where Karelians-idolaters arranged Sabbaths bringing the animals and own babies to the gods as a victim. Such state of affairs without attention could not remain itself a sanctuary has crushed and it remained forgotten 623 years. And after it has been anew opened in 1923, the Obvodnoj channel has turned in criminal zone and a favourite place of Petersburg suicides; it is not folklore, but the data of militian statistics.

Concerning presence of a pagan sanctuary around St.Petersburg I will risk to state also my own version. Numerous islands and the islets formed by Neva in its mouth, Finns collectively named Tamminem (Oak) because of the century oaks growing plenty here. Already during Petrovsky times the age of many of them was defined in 500 years and more. At the same time the oak is an atypical plant for the given district and anywhere in this region except islands it does not meet (for fleet construction ship wood should be carried from Kazan area). From here the probability of that it has appeared on islands not a natural way is high but has been planted by artificial way. And considering that the oak in the majority of pagan traditions was a sacred tree it is possible to assume that here in a place of a confluence of Neva to Baltic Sea it has been cultivated with the ritual purposes. I hope many of us have learnt a picture familiar since the childhood: « At a creek is an oak green, a golden chain is on an oak that»… But we have gone deep into history-archaeological digression and have distracted from traveling along 60 degree of northern width.

So, we have found out that to the West from Petersburg, practically on one line, the capitals of the Scandinavian countries lie based on a place of earlier large cult centres, conducting their history at least from the Iron Age and located from each other on the distance corresponding to 7 degrees of width. Movement to the east along 60th parallel, unfortunately, will not result in revealing of so obvious laws. At this width Kirillo-Belozersky monastery is situated at another end of the continent is sad notorious Magadan, and on the other party of Pacific ocean on a territory of present Canada is located not man-made, but, nevertheless, very important geographical object. 12000 years ago here there was Northern Geographical Pole of the Earth (namely in this time the first people on an opposite edge of planet have entered to a glacial valley to which it will be able to become Oslo-Fyordom). Some more from not man-made To a point with co-ordinates 60°53 ’ northern width and 101°53 ’ east longitude the Tungus meteorite (or that is considered as a meteorite) has fallen. Is it useful to us or not I do not know obvious links with the above-stated I do not see, but the fact remains as fact.


 Let's look for "accidents" and "coincidence" now connected with 30 ° east longitude. To the north from St.Petersburg in polar tundra if  something representing interest for us is but it is not open yet in force of uninhabited local places. I underline, that namely is not opened, but is not absent, despite of inaccessibility, these places lived the most active mystical life: Aryan legends place here the sunk continent Arktidu; myths of ancient Greeks placed behind Polar circle the native land of god Apollo ever flowering Hyperboreia; Celts stored memoirs about the Islands located far to the north Blissful; even Hindus passed from generation to generation legends about northern Island of Light (Shvedatvipe), washed by milk (Arctic ) ocean (whether the milkriver-kiselnye banks ran into it) of Russian national fairy tales ?

Russian folklore is mentioned here not for the sake of a witty remark: its sacral geography places in this region island the Brawler, and possessions of Koschej Immortal and the Sunflower kingdom. The name of the last occurs not from a known plant with tasty seeds, but because, it is situated «under the Sun». And Karelo-Finnish, epos the «Kalevala »,on the contrary, asserts that the Gloom Country - Sariola (Poh'ela) lays here Basically, there is no any contradiction here simply Russian have reflected polar day, and Karelians have made an accent on the description of polar night to whom what is closer.

The tradition has not interrupted as for the times which are historically closer to us. Russian Old Believers considered that legendary Belorech’e is located here. German mystics of the beginning of the XX-th century, and then and gallant guys from Gimmerov occult institute "Anenerbe " searched for state Tule traces in these places also our (admiral Chichagov, baron Toll, admiral Kolchak, academician Obruchev) did not lose. Do you remember a magnificent film «Earth of Sannikov»? - And it an Earth of Sannikov is somewhere here… Though who knows, whether the same geographical object does not hide under these names?!

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEPlaces, suitable for tourist excursions behind Polar circle, really, are not many but there are sights nevertheless. One of them is the Kol’skaya superdeep chink placed in the Ginnes Book of records as the deepest chink of the world. Its depth is 12262 meters, and co-ordinates are 69°25’ northern width and 30°44’ east longitude.

And moving to the south we, on the contrary, will get to the tourist paradise; expressing closer to our theme to one more large cult centre conducting its history as a minimum since the Iron Age». This centre is well familiar to everybody and even there are photos on its background in many family albums at home. It is the Country of Pyramids, Egypt! Yes-yes, a historical centre of St.Petersburg and a plateau of Giza on which there are the most "untwisted" pyramids Hefren, Cheops and Mikerin which are located on the same meridian 30th degree of east longitude just is mental border of it a plateau. Perhaps, by this reason sphinxes and lions uprooted in Egypt unexpectedly organically entered in a consumptive Petersburg climate.

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEPyramids are situated, in general, in a "magic" place of Greenwich degree network 30° of the northern width and 30° of the east longitude (one more interesting "coincidence" which has no any rational explanations). And according to the logic of our small research we simply can not find on width of Pyramids anything interesting .30th parallel is a parallel of the first civilizations of foreseeable history: Egypt, Sumer, Akkad, Chaldea, Lagash, Elam, Babylonia, Assyria, the Mussel, Persia, Ansan , Karmaniya , Drangina, Arejya, Gedrosiya ,Nagarra ,Ariavarta, Tibet … Accordingly, "accidents" along 30th degree of northern width are found out continually: in Egypt, besides pyramids, it is its capital of times of Giksky Avaris dominations , in Jordan it is the city of Petra cut down entirely in a rock, in Iraq it is as bible Ur; in Iran they are the ruins of two cities which were at various times by capitals of Persia Persepolis and Pasargadae in Pakistan they are traces dravidicytsky civilizations Harappa In India they are rests of the Aryan state Ariavarta; in China it is capital of Tibet Lhasa … In a word, with all stops! By the way, beyond Atlantic 30th parallel passes through the Bermudas triangle

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEBut we have distracted again … Let us notice, that if the distance between Petersburg and Giza to measure in not linear measures, but in degrees it will turn out, that they are divided by exactly 30 ° widths (one more "roundish" "accident" … and there are no of number to them).

On third of this distance if consider from Petersburg, the capital of Ancient Russia, and nowadays Ukraine - Kiev (50°25’ northern width and 30°30’ east longitude) is located. The antiquity of this city does not cause of doubts. The first stationary dwellings from bones of a mammoth have been erected on banks of Dnepr l when these dear animals were so ordinary inhabitants be Dnepr as nowadays cats or dogs. Numerous parking of hunters for the mammoths, five of which have been found directly in modern city line of Kiev testifies of that.

In «Russian State History» message of Gerodot is quoted about the Scythian imperial cemetery located on the left bank of Dnepr in 14 days of a way from its mouth. Karamzin in this place makes the assumption from himself that, probably, it was in the region of Kiev. The description of a burial place itself according to Gerodot is reduced to the characteristic: « … sacred for the people and unapproachable for enemies ». Despite of laconicism, this phrase bears much more information, than it seems at first sight. First, any funeral ceremony means certain funeral-commemoration religious customs (especially if they bury« the most august person ») it is already itself gives to a cemetery the status of a"sacred"place. If a cemetery is stationary it means that it requires the constant presence of fixed clerics on it. They need a roof over a head, cult and auxiliary constructions, in one word, all infrastructure of monastic type. Because the rare burial place of the outstanding person is not accompanied by cock-and-bull stories about infinite riches, ostensibly, buried together with him also protection, on a case of night visit of marauders-coffin diggers.

Apparently, protection at an imperial cemetery was not comic otherwise Gerodot hardly, would name this place unapproachable for enemies. It is possible to assume, that there was even any fortification which has entered later as an element in system of snake shaft. We will not go deeper into treatments of Gerodot because of stated is quite enough for the assumption of existence on a place of Kiev or in immediate affinity of settlement long before Kiy.

It is quite probably that else before Kiy in these places existed also certain quasi-state formation. So courageous conclusion can be made proceeding from, at least, of amount of works which should be done by builders unknown us nowadays at erection of snake shafts huge fortified structures stretched along banks of Dnepr inflows more than 1000 kilometers.

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEMost likely, at this time Kiev became also the large cult centre. On place of tithe church there was a pagan sanctuary. Just its presence promoted to that the settlement stuck to a ferry (Кiy on a legend was the ferryman), and has grown in a capital of Russian state. Future baptist of Russia, in spiritual searches, has erected in Kiev idol place in general, to all known gods whom in a Slavic pantheon was not less, than in Ancient Greek. It has made Kiev the largest pagan religious centre in the Eastern Europe. However, not for a long time, as eight years later, by the order of already christened Vladimir, will dump idols in Dnepr, and a sanctuary will ruin. The spiritual importance of "Mother of Russian cities » after Christianity acceptance has not decreased. Here the orthodox monastery first in Russia - Kievo-Pecherskaja monastery has been based in 1051. Its co-ordinates are 50°27’ 06”northern width and 30°31’ 00” east longitude.

The impression is created, that points of crossing of 30th meridian with "round", multiple to 10, widths have been simply designated in nature by the basis in them of the spiritual and political centers. Law would be proved if it was possible to find similar object in a knot with co-ordinates 40 ° northern width and 30 ° east longitude.

Today in this place settled down a provincial Turkish small town Izmir, at a superficial sight nothing outstanding. However, having dug its ore than famous past, it is found out, that it shone once and was a capital of nonexistent nowadays empires! The first authentic mention of it concerns to VIII century B.C. Then it was called Astacos. Very soon it has expanded into the richest Greek colony of small Asia and has been renamed in Oliviya (that is translated as "Happy"). Oliviya has been destroyed, however, strategically advantage place was not empty long: tsar of Vifiniya Nikomed I has built up a city anew and has named it in his honour Nikomediya. After gain of Vifiniya by Romans, emperor Diokletian has made Nicomedia by a capital of east part of Roman Empire and in this status it remained until Konstantin Veliky has not allocated Constantinople with capital functions.

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEWith a deviation within 1 ° from 40th parallel settled down in their times the capitals of Phrygia Gordion and of Right bank Khoresm - Koy-krylgan-kala (though, last two names are conditional so archeologists agree to name among themselves a civilization which original name is not has reached up to now).

On the 40th width, in desert Takla Makan, there was one more died away civilization Toharistan. It was found, as a result of the sand shattering which has bared mummies of red-haired European - tokhar living on territory of modern Northern China before arrival of Mongolian people. This opening threatened to become sensation, however, being afraid of history revision and, hence, postulate actively cultivated by official Chinese propagation about self-sufficiency of China, the Peking authorities have forbidden excavations ; and have decided to lay through the desert economically unprofitable highway so that under a building mask definitively to ruin invaluable, ut ideologically not sustained finds!

From modern capitals at this width are located Ankara (born under name Ancyra), Yerevan (born under name Erebuni) and Beijing (too born under other name Chin-chou). In the Western hemisphere on 40th parallel there is New York which though cannot brag by a thousand-year antiquity, directs to thoughts with its co-ordinates: 40 ° northern width and 74 ° the western longitude (and with taking into account a universal accessory of fathers-founders of the USA to masons, these thoughts do not seem groundless The "New York’s meridian is remarkable also that in southern hemisphere crosses the Peruvian desert Naska well-known for the huge drawings, not clear origin and even less clear appointment.

By the way, geographical co-ordinates of notorious towers-twins of the World Shopping centre are 40°42’ 42”northern width and 74°00 ’ 49” the western longitude. And on the opposite end of Globe on the same parallel there is one more "damned" place with co-ordinates 40°45 ’ 00 northern width and 14°29 ’ 10” east longitude are Pompey.

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEIn a remarkable point with co-ordinates 40 ° northern width and 100 ° east longitude, in desert obi, in the Chinese province of Gansu there is Chinese cosmodrome Shuanshentszy. Absolutely near to it begins and lasts for a huge distance, (6350 kilometers that makes 20 ° on a longitude), up to the Gulf of Liaodong, the Great Chinese Wall.

To tell, that its geodetic motivation dominates over, fortified it is impossible of course, but attention to 40th width is looked through distinctly (especially, in its east part, around "historical" China). And in a point of crossing of 40th parallel with 116th meridian tombs of emperors of Min Chan Lin and Din Lin are located. They are remarkable that are built in full conformity with rules of fen-shuj .Probably, the place for their erection has been chosen not casually.

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEBut what fen-syuj to explain, what exactly on this parallel situated in a row «sacred tops» - mountains the Olympus, Athos and Ararat? Thereupon we will mention one more object - the mountain Cheyenne located in the State of Colorado (40 ° northern width and 110 ° the western longitude). Itself Cheyenne, entering into system of Rocky mountains, is not remarkable but in its belly the bunker is cut down. Where since 1966 the Center of Incorporated command of aerospace defence of North American continent NORAD takes places Therefore, I do not know, at all where to carry a complex Cheyenne-NORAD. To man-made or not man-made sights of 40th parallel.

The brief intermediate resume: we have established the presence on a planetary level the laws connected with 30th east meridian. Its northern half is divided into three equal pieces along 30 ° width. The first piece begins with Equator (0 °) and comes to an end with width of Pyramids (30 ° northern width ).The second one is limited by width of Pyramids (30 °northern width) and width of St.-Petersburg (60 °northern width) The third one begins with width of St.-Petersburg 60 ° .northern width) also comes to an end with Northern geographical pole (90 °).

The equator and Pole are not designated material (or taking place designations are lost owing to the natural reasons), unlike from 30th and 60th northern widths on which in points of their crossing with 30th meridian are, accordingly, Pyramids of Giza and St.-Petersburg (the second name is, conditional as the geodetic object called by us "St.-Petersburg" should have much earlier origin). Accident of a finding of these objects in the named places is improbable, as on the given widths areas of historical activity are revealed: on 30th parallel are the centers of the first civilizations; on 60th are the capitals of the Scandinavian countries.

Besides, the part of 30th meridian limited with 30th and 60th widths, has own geodetic designation: on 30th degree of northern width are Pyramids, on 40th is Nikomediej/Olviej, on 50th is Kiev, and on 60th is Petersburg. It gives the basis to assume, that 30th meridian planed and has been designated as base. And so as the matter was for small to look for on something, that could be correspond to a theme of our research.

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEIn borders of this longitudinal strip all the capitals of the country Ta-Kemet (the Black earth) settled down which we know under a pseudonym Egypt: Бutо, Memphis, Thebes, Avaris Alexandria, and Cairo. Not only all cult constructions of Pharaohs, times but also much later, ones such as, for example, the first Christian monastery - Pafnutevsky are plased along it. On the pposite coast of Mediterranean sea, on a territory of modern Turkey, on 30th meridian there is a orld city Lipinski, consecrated by a name of one of the most esteemed Christian sacred Nicolay Chudotvorets. And so has coincided, that far to the north, on the same longitude exactly stands the devoted this sacred, a Sea Mikulski cathedral the main temple of the Russian Navy.

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEOn the beach of the Black sea the city which was never a capital is stretched, but it has deserved the national title "mum" and consequently can not be not mentioned it is Odessa. Cheerful Odessa has a gloomy antipode in the north informal capital of Russia from of emperor Pails times Catching.

And Novgorod Great was the capital of the Old Russian state from immemorial time (when it was called by Slovenes). Here, but not to Kiev, has arrived the founder of dynasty Rurik with brothers: «Rurik sat in Novgorod, and another one Sineus on White-lake, and the third one Truvor in Izbor'evsk .And, though, historicity of two last characters of modern historians raises the doubts, natives, not having blinked with eye, will show to the curious their tombs: Truvor barrow in Izborsk , and barrow of Sineus on White lake. So confidently will show also tomb of Ruric the Noise-mountain, entering into a complex of Oredezhsky hills. Well, and, : brother-in-law of Rurik Odda to whom he has entrusted board Russia and title of regent over juvenile son Igor is buried also nearby, a bit to the north of Ladoga, in natural boundary Hill . Thanks to Alexander Sergeevichu Pushkin this historical figure is known as Prophetic Oleg to us.

Whether not Peter, has tried to continue this tradition of rest basing in a Petropavlovsk cathedral of the fortress with the same name (59°57 ’ 01 ”northern width and 30°19 ’ 00” east longitude)a new Romanov's tomb? And together with that the pantheon Scythian, Slavic, variaginian and Russian governors can compete to necropolises of the Egyptian Pharaohs without ceremony. May be truly they were moved by incentive force choosing a of a place for last haven? Then, it is not excluded, as Baby Yar near Kiev (50°28 ’ 17 ”northern width; 30°26 ’ 58” east longitude) have selected as a place of mass executions by zonder-command СС not casually , and under instructions of the same occult experts from «Anenerbe » which could examine these executions not as simple murder and as a ritual hecatomb! And Hitler's place «Vervolf» (49°14 ’ northern width; 28°29 ’ east longitude) they have started to build nearby not casually.

Except the listed: the Trifonov-Pechenegsky monastery on Kola Peninsula is the most northern orthodox monastery. Island Valaam is the traditional cult centre of all religions which have passed through it, and nowadays Orthodoxy stronghold. The small town Radul (the native land of epic Dobrynya Nikitich) near Chernigov - is well-known for the caves used in an antiquity by an unknown cult as underground temples, and unusual icon-paint school. Island Snake in a mouth of Danube is the prospective native land of the hero of Trojan War Achill on which there was a temple devoted to him …

We have paid such big attention to 30 ° east longitude so far as on the other meridians so obvious laws are not revealed. Not another any meridian line has any such saturation with objects of spiritual and historical heritage! Why so?

30th meridian has bright feature it has the greatest overland extent. In other words, from all 360 meridians 30th east one has the longest part which is passing on land. This is a superficial "natural-science" explanation and if to dig more deeply …

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEAt first the deviation from the basic theme. About a structure of our own planet we know not more, than about the structure of the next galaxies. Authentically the science knows only that the Earth has a bark. The given fact does not cause doubts for anybody by that simple reason that earth crust is on what we go. So an indisputable fact, that earth crust is non-uniform. Infringement of its uniformity is called as a break or lineament so; lineament is a border of sharp change of parameters of the geographical environment, geological structure, and geophysical fields. In zones of breaks the bark possesses the raised permeability for all kinds of the radiations which are let out by a kernel of a planet and by near-kernel layers. Their influence on living organisms is not studied, but does not deny so; the largest lineament is called as Nilsko-lappish and precisely coincides with 30th east meridian! About lineament the conversation is ahead and still we will continue to collect «accidents and coincidence».

Part III

On 30th meridian, nearby from Kiev there is an object which I even at first have attributed to accidents it is the Chernobyl atomic power station. Geographical co-ordinates of notorious 4th power unit 51°23’ 23 " of northern width and 30°06’ 00" of east longitude. It impresses, of  course, but how it is connected with our theme? It has appeared that right and directly!

PETER’S THE GREAT CODE51st parallel is width of one more widely known cult centre a Stonehendge (51°10’ 41” of northern width; 01°49’ 20” of the western longitude).

Stonehenge I would name a vaccine from human self-conceit. Judge yourself in the middle of the most densely populated region of the most civilized country of the most civilized parts of the world there is an object about which it is not known who has constructed it when it has
constructed, what for it has constructed , in general, nothing! Hypotheses about its origin and appointment we read as collection of jokes. What only «the best minds» have not imagined poring over a riddle of its creation the giants built it and atlases both Marylin and alien’s .The same picture is with its functions? To any ruine which appointment is not clear the official history the diagnos assigns a burial place. So was and with Stonehenge. And when bones were not found at excavations science men not having blinked with an eye used a spare variant then it is a pagan sanctuary. And that the Stonehenge is, first of all, prehorizont an observatory have made out only in the end of II millennium of our era. And tell who after that savages and barbarians are ancient builders and astronomers or we their degrading descendants not capable to understand ingenious plans of the ancestors?

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEIf a Stonehenge it something outstanding Arkaim is the phenomenon exclusive in its uniqueness. The Stonehenge, in its best years was, in a principle, only a cult place and prehorizont an observatory deprived of any utilitarian functions. Arkaim besides it was a temple under open-air and a solar -lunar observatory it was also a settlement both a fortress and metallurgical combine and … a calendar. Astroarcheologist K.K.Bystrushkin has established, that Arkaim has not been simply constructed in the form of a zodiac map of the star sky, but also contained in the plan three calendars solar, lunar and precessional at once.

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEIf the first two calendars can be drawn somehow for the ears to traditional explanation that they were necessary «for definition terms of carrying out of agricultural works» precessional calendar calculated for 25920 any practical advantage has no not only within the limits of one persons life , but also several generations. Whether it is not the best certificate of those builders of Arkaim tried to draw our attention to something that is hidden for a while from our eyes (because of an intelligence lack)?

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEIt is necessary to make a reservation that analogues available for Arkaim are two tens with superfluous of the twin-cities similar to it compactly located on a territory 400 multiplied by 150 kilometers country of cities conditionally named for this reason. On 30 ° to the east of the Country cities, on same 52nd parallel, already in Altai one more cult complex the Valley of tsars is located. Its central object barrow ARZHAN represents itself astronomically focused necropolis of notable Aryan leaders (52°03’ 17” of northern width and 93°37’ 10” of east longitude). More truly some of barrows they are erected on the general plan and contain burial places not less than 15 persons (the figures are approximate as in the funeral chamber local businessmen extracted stone and the invaluable monument to has got to archeologists in strongly spoilt kind). On their funerals only goals of horses 166 have been brought in victim to our theme this fact has no relation but very brightly shows level of a material well-being of our "dirty" ancestors.

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEAnd through the following 30 ° on a longitude, our mental look will rest in next cyclopean construction Genghis Khan lasting along the bank of Argun river more than 550 kilometers on territories of modern Mongolia, Russia and China. All listed objects have despite of huge even according to modern concepts of their distances dividing them similarities are more than distinctions. First, as we have already noted they lay practically one width. Secondly, they are removed from each other on approximately equal distance corresponding to a step in 30 ° of longitude of the Greenwich co-ordinate network. Thirdly, the majority of them has astronomical orientation and served in an antiquity as observatories high even according to concepts of our time, of accuracy class. Fourthly, they are almost coevals- Arkaim has been created about 2800 BC the first turn of a Stonehenge has been put in about 2400 BC (So the civilization extended contrary to the taken roots error not from the educated Europe to dense Asia but on the contrary ) Arjan in 2500-2000 BC and the first stone in the basis of Cheops pyramid has been put according to one data in 2525 BC according to another ones in 2478. The logic prompts that on a place of the Chernobyl atomic power station should be ancient cemetery similar the aforesaid the step in 30 ° is too accurately maintained.

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEThe Role of it would play Gerodot cemetery of Scythian tsars. The distance of "14 days of a way» is concept rather extensible and it is quite probable that it settled down not near to Kiev as Karamzin considered but rather higher. This assumption simply ideally keeps within the general concept in the centre Arkaim is a city of living and on the parties from it two cities of dead in the east Arjan in the west a Scythian cemetery. How to treat it I do not know. Perhaps Arkaim was thought as the centre of a certain empire and funeral barrows marked its any borders? Perhaps in it was other symbolism? Or the ciphered information? Perhaps only it is necessary also to put one more line in length 30 ° and it will specify a place where the greatest treasure of the world is hidden?

If to accept my hypothesis about «Polesskij Stonehenge» or «Chernobyl Arjan» is up to anybody many things will raise on their places. So, originally in «place of force » the sanctuary has been based. Its affinity has defined the development of the cultural and political centre which is known today as Kiev. All it together initiated at first process of certain tribes association and then and a state creation. It has appeared to the given state formation on shoulder problems like building cyclopean defensive constructions such, as thousand-kilometers snake shafts intended for restraint from the violent neighbors Prichernomorsky steppes.

But, alas, my guess remains forever only as the assumption even if traces of a pagan sanctuary were available here once now they are irrevocably destroyed. And maybe what Has happened with the atomic power station is the best proof of my version? Well, then rightly do not defile henceforth sacred places!

Though, on the other hand Chernobyl accident is an extreme not predicted situation nobody planned it meaningly and it has happened against of our will. And absolutely another matter is when the person meaningly spoils in the middle of native house. An example the blessing can be found directly within the frameworks of our themes. Totsky range (52°38’ of northern width; 52°48’ of east longitude). Marshal Zhukov whom they name for some reason «the greatest commander of the XX-th century» has spent here on 14th of September, 1954 army teachings under the cheerful name "Snowball". Working off of break of defense of the opponent with application of the nuclear weapon was their purpose. What can be easier for the Soviet person?! Have made air nuclear explosion and went to the attack. In total participated in "experiment" 45 thousand "coming", 15 thousand "defending" and as for supporting personnel (construction battalion people, convicts, civil experts) it is not calculated. A dose has received everybody. Except for the direct participants, have deduced the neighboring population in the leaders on number of oncological diseases, have infected thousand hectares of the blossoming
earth have ruined the river Samara (and as the last runs into the Volga has suffered )! And, after all, on the same widths, a bit to the east, in all already boiled development of virgin and laylands (re-read, dear Leonid Ilicha whom to trust if not to his epopee "Virgin soil" ?). It can mean only the next both enthusiasts-tselinniki, and the first virgin crop the share of radioisotopes has got. And then on Manejnaya square have put a monument to "the marshal of a victory». Or if in another way, to look at the same problem. After all, in within of a minute the Totsky range is located on width of Arkaim. Stick George Konstantinych into a map on 7 ° to the east and neither about Arkaim, nor about the Country of cities have we not learnt anything!

But, let us return to the eternal! We will try to understand, why the sacral centers are divided by 30 degrees? For this "accident» today exists two explanations. Conditionally we name their "terrestrial" and "heavenly".

"Heavenly" hypothesis we will begin with a statement of geometry elements .The width is a circle. In a circle 360º. We divide 360 by 30, it turns out 12. And what associations are caused by a circle divided into 12 parts? Correctly a dial of hours. And still a horoscope is more truly, the Zodiac circle. Ancient people verified their life with the sky, with the stars (after all, not for nothing all named sanctuaries had astronomical orientation, and Arkaim, in general, is constructed in the form of a zodiac map of the star sky) and it was logical for them to project on the earth Zodiac signs. In a modern astrology this direction carries the name astrolocality. It was invented anew in XIX century by the American astrologist A.R.Parson (and, may be has not invented, and has picked up somewhere the forgotten partially idea). But the theory of Parson already was born "mortally sick" because he has accepted absolutely groundless for a reference point a modern zero meridian on Greenwich. The German astrologist Gerhard Ritter who has offered system in which the Zodiac "goes" by the ground from the east on the West has corrected Parson and, readout should be conducted from 65 °of east longitude. Thus, 18 years prior to opening of Arkaim, Риттер has calculated theoretically the presence around the Ural meridian of the sacral centre (here and say after that, that horoscopes say lies)!

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEThe second version has an origin quite terrestrial, more truly, underground. Above we already told about the breaks of earth crust called in a scientific way lineaments and described one of them. As it is not difficult to guess, except Nilsko-lappish, such breaks there are a great variety. The part from them is focused as diagonal under an angle to equator. And other part which actually, also interests us, settles down perpendicularly to equator that is as meridian. They stand from each other or are ready to the next coincidence? - Approximately on 30 degrees along a longitude: the Euro-African lineament passes in «zone of influence » a zero meridian (it is designated as Stonehenge ); Nilsko-lappish -lineament 30 ° of east longitude (without comments, we have examined it more, than in details); Uralo-Omansky lineament- 60 ° of east longitude (Ark aim and the Country of cities); the western border of the Siberian platform - 90 ° of east longitude (Ажан, Кок, the centre of Eurasia); Eastern frontier of the Siberian platform - 120 ° of east longitude (Genghis Khan Shaft); Chaunsko-Oljutorski lineament - 180 ° of east longitude (border of East hemisphere).

To what version give a priority is business of personal predilections. I have invented my own theory for myself syncretic such which considers both previous. In my opinion I do not apply for absolute validity. Initially communication of the person with Mother-crude the Earth was. Intuitively or by means of any technologies lost nowadays at first have been defined lineament zones, as the most suitable to moving. They have been designated, so to say, on district with the basis of the sacral centers and virtual" with creation of a prototype of the geodetic network which base step was equaled 30 °. And then the terrestrial co-ordinate network was projected on a line of ecliptic with its corresponding division into 12 sectors which we know today as Zodiac signs.

But, whether so it is important in what sequence there was all aforesaid? The main thing is absolutely in other what a level of knowledge it was necessary to possess that to guess till this. After all, all is captured from dizzy depths of terrestrial bowels up to so dizzy star heights! Everything is thought over up to trifles if only probably to use a word "trifle» describing a plan of space scale! And somehow it is not written with an image dirty, to a skin turned, savages with who represent our ancestor’s history textbooks …


However, we have smoothly approached to the basic not joining in our reasonings. So, as we conduct the narration about «affairs of past days» about the Iron Age beginning and even the Mesolithic end whether is it correctly to adhere the laws revealed by us to the Greenwich system of co-ordinates accepted how already it was mentioned above in 1884? The focus was in that year at the Washington international conference not system of co-ordinates itself have been confirmed but only its reference point. Simply representatives of leading powers of the world have agreed to consider as a zero meridian a longitude which is passing through the Greenwich observatory. This longitude have appointed as a reference point absolutely arbitrarily without any proved arguments (Simply Victorian England was during that moment on peak of the power and representatives of "the Empress of the seas» have lobbied Greenwich). And before it was a zero meridian of the Great pyramid, a meridian of Jerusalem, sung by Dan Brown «the Rose Line», at last ,any of them had a hundred times more bases to become a reference point than the Greenwich longitude!

But where they would not move a zero meridian that was doing inside of existing system of co-ordinates from immemorial time. Data about where, when and by whom it has been created, certainly, has not remained in such grey-haired depth of centuries they are hidden. The earliest of written mentions which have reached us about it are cuneiform records on clay tablets of Mesopotamia. Only they have appeared capable to cross the ocean of times. The destiny of maps has appeared sad up to historically foreseeable days has not remained practically anything. And whether it is sophisticated they were created on unstable carriers, at the best, on parchment and were intended for using in extreme conditions of wars and campaigns.

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEHowever, even what in repeatedly copied variants has reached to modern researchers shakes an imagination not only with an accuracy of topography but also with that objects are represented on them about which we have the extremely vague idea up to nowadays. We will tell about ntarctica without an ice cover on the axiomatic map of Perry Rays which have been drawn in 1513. After researches of a coastal line of the Fifth continent through thickness of ice with modern tools the commander of 8th squadron of technical investigation of Strategic command of the USA Air Forces lieutenant colonel Harold Z. Olmejer has summarized: « The geographical details represented in the bottom part of a map (coast of Antarctica), are perfectly co-ordinated with seismic prospecting data... We do not imagine how to co-ordinate data of this map with prospective level of a geographical science in 1513 ». Perry Rays himself in marginal notes has written that he does not bear of responsibility for primary shooting and cartography and his map is based on a considerable quantity of earlier sources.

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEEmployees of the same technical investigation of the USA Air Forces have defined also the centre of a projection of Perry Rays map it has appeared located around modern Cairo. The thought to which I bring my narration has formulated best of all G.Hancock in his work «Traces of Gods»: «By what it was not, besides, mathematicians and geographers have already understood long ago that the Great pyramid carries out function of a geodetic beacon».

Described level of knowledge and technologies does not keep within convenient schemes of an official historical science. Nevertheless, the facts testify that those who built Arkaim, a Stonehenge and Arjan used a global geodetic network already utmost. In the finished variant or, as a minimum, in the form of a prototype it hould be exist before the ancient builders have started to lay the foundation for the first of those objects.

But we will return from «zero meridians» to 51-52 degrees of northern widths. They are so oversaturated by historical monuments that on these parallels will be find an illustration to any page of the history textbook. There are indisputable and not discussed curiosities such as Kapova cave in Bashkiria with its drawings fourteen thousand years antiquity, Durojsky parking of primitive people and a Paleolithic complex of cult constructions and parking Chalbuchi in the Chita area.

There are archaeological objects whose respectable age do not cause of doubts but lost in such grey hair of times that to define it is inconveniently. It may recon to such ones a complex Kostenko under Voronezh (51°23’ 00 of northern width 39°03’ 00” of east longitude, it is width of Chernobyl with a second accuracy! It represents itself more than sixty parking of the ancient people occupying the area about ten square kilometers. Age of most young of them they define per 25000 (!) years to the most ancient they give 40000 (!!!) years but it is clear, that preachers of "an official historical science» in the first figure doubt and the second they reject because they do not leave a stone on a stone from «the standard representations» about duration and character of mankind history. At present moment it is authentically established only that it is the first settlement of people on Europe territory of modern anthropological type.

 PETER’S THE GREAT CODEThere are monuments recently opened and not studied up to the end by this reason they are Arkaim mentioned repeatedly and the Country of cities including more of twenty sites of ancient settlement similar to Arkaim and constructed on a uniform plan with it. There are the objects which have been not studied in general, for example, ruins of a fortress Por-bazhyn (50°37 ’ 00 ”of northern width 97°24 ’ 00” of east longitude located on an island in the middle of artificial lake Teryo-Hol in Tuva. And men of science have broken throats proving to each other what was the Por -bazhyn -an Uigur fortress of XIII th century or a Buddhist temple of IX th persistently not noticing its obvious similarities to the same Arkaim (they even were lost equally, burnt by own inhabitants who have left in uncertainty). Though, I say lies,I have read recently that one of researchers was visited by ingenious inspiration and choking from boldness of his own guess he has uttered, it is necessary to recognize that the architecture of the Por-bazhyna«is absolutely not characteristic for simple nomads». And the most outstanding Tuvinian of the present days S.K.Shojgu has intended to transform the most invaluable not investigated monument of world value in tourist leisure centre «Russian Shaolin». Well, it is a variant to asphalt it and to put snack bars …

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEThere are even more interesting variants when the object of research is dug over up and down and it is described in tens dissertations and then suddenly at someone head click loudly and begins reconsideration So it happened with Genghis Khan shaft which was mentioned a bit above the radio carbon analysis was required to understand, at last, that the Great Conqueror could not construct 550-kilometre defensive object because of its uttermost irrelevance in his offensive military doctrine and excessive dearness of the project.

At last, there are things simply fantastic which our scientists with their level of thinking will understand not soon if understand in general once. The most bright example from this category of objects I would name Altay plateau Ukok (49°18’ 28”of northern width and 87°35’ 41” of east longitude.

For the first time this name has thundered in connection with opening of the burial place of the notable woman named subsequently in a pseudo-scientific press by «the Altay princess». In spite of the fact that she was the coeval of the first Pharaohs her body with clothes, ornaments and even tattoos has remained almost ideally thanks to it has been placed in the ice chamber. To disappointment of local Mongolian natives considering the buried is their foremother, «The Princess" has appeared the representative of white race of protoslavic anthropological type and on her shoulder the characteristic Scythian tattoo was found representing a griffin on it.

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEIn a pursuit of similar burial places archeologists have unexpectedly stroked on much more scale discovering on plateau Ukok have been found geoglifs huge drawings on the earth representing the same griffins as on a tattoo of «Princess". It was sensation itself as hitherto it was considered that geoglifs are available only in the Western hemisphere in desert Naska, moreover, in two-three places of Peru, Bolivia and the Brazilian Amazonia. The additional piquancy to this event was added by these drawings also as in desert Naska, it is possible to see only from air. And because of that the representatives of an official historical science did not have any digestible versions concerning the found artifacts they decided to forget about discovering. By the way, «Ukok » is translated as «the Sky of Word» may be the explanation of all riddles it is necessary to search not on the Earth? And Buddhists, likely not unreasonably assert that in these places the northern input in a Shambhala is located.

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEBesides of antiquity monuments on 51-52 parallels quite modern centers of a civilization are located also. In a view of economy we will list only capitals London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Warsaw … I should mention a university of Cambridge and the Brest fortress. «A favorite toy» of Himmler is castle of Vevelsburg headquarters already mentioned of esoteric institute «Heritage of ancestors» (Anenerbe) if you want. And the spare capital USSR prepared on a war case not in Sverdlovsk but under Kuybyshev in Zhigulis in a huge underground city on depth of 130 meters under a rocky monolith. Exact co-ordinates I do not know (rough 51°11’ 00”of northern width and 50°07’ 00” of east longitude. But even of fluent sight on the map of the average Volga region in the school textbook of geography is enough to fill up with this object the list of our "accidents" and "coincidence". And if «the occult capital of the Reich» was built by experts of «Anerbe » it does not mean yet that the choice by Stalin of a place for spare capital was arbitrary simply activity of occult department of People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs was better coded.

And here is from "fresh» Astana a present capital of Kazakhstan (51°10’ northern width and 71°30’ east longitude) with minute accuracy at Stonehenge width. True incentive motives of president Nazarbaeva are not known to us but carrying over of a capital from a fertile valley with the name «Father of apples» (Alma-Ata) in naked steppe with the fearful expressive name «White open space» (Ak-mol) to reasonable acts is difficult to carry. Perhaps ,it has somehow affected that on a place of present Astana (it is Akmolinsk it is a Tselinograd) was in an antiquity the place of nomadic Kazakh hordes?

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEMoving further to the east we again get on territory of Russia to Svobodensky area of the Amur region. Here a cosmodrome "Free" the 2nd State test cosmodrome is located. Its geographical co-ordinates are 52 ° northern width and 128 ° east longitude. And if to look at a map of objects of 12th Central administrative board of the Defense Ministry not being the professional scout at all it is not difficult to understand that structures of Rocket strategic forces are strung on this width, as beads on a thread …

Why ancient and not so ancient architects 52 parallel is so attractive? I offer Tamara Globa's version. According to her the Earth is not an ideal sphere and represents a wrong ellipse enough difficult form geoid. If to combine geoid with an ideal sphere which would be the Earth in the absence of rotation and natural defects these two figures would be imposed against each other on 52 parallel.

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEThus, priests based sanctuaries not anywhere but strictly in places of contact of the real form of the Earth and its aura. And so far as each of them also stands on an earth crust break on lineament the convergence in one point of three vedichesky the worlds top (the world of gods ), average (the world of people) and bottom (the world dead) turns out. Pravi, Yavi, and Нави Slavs or Asgarda Midgarda and Niflheim of Scandinavians. Simply an ideal model of ancient cosmogonies!

T.Globy's version is confirmed in own way also with calculations of geophysicists at cataclysms of planetary character the greatest changes touch poles and equator while 50 widths remain as a zone of relative well-being. And astronomers will add that on these widths the maximum quantity of the astronomical events connected with the Sun and the Moon is observed.

It is difficult to say astrologists or scientists are more right but all history of Northern hemisphere, nevertheless, really, had place between 30th and 60th parallels width of Pyramids and width of Petersburg. So, whether the founder of Petersburg has not been devoted in ancient secrets? Whether especially two ten years he did not get out of wars not for hypothetical an exit to the sea but for a concrete place with magic co-ordinates 60 ° northern width and 30 ° east longitude? And the city which has his name has been put not as «a window to Europe» and not as an advanced post, whence «we will threaten to the Swede», but how a missing link of the global geodetic plan which sense is not clear to us till now?!

To accept the stated hypothesis concerning Peter I motives in a question of a place choice for a new capital it is necessary to agree with its preconditions, namely:
1. Our ancestors were not as primitive as it is confirmed by a modern historical science and possessed with considerable knowledge, in particular, in the field of astronomy and a geodesy;
2. On the basis of this knowledge the priestly top developed the global plan of settling of Eurasia made with taking into account possibility of   planetary scale accidents;
3. Realization of the named plan was conducting stage by stage on an extent about 2000-3000 years extending from Southern Urals Mountains area to continent periphery;
4. The information about the global plan has been kept up to XVIII century;
5. Somehow it was received by Russian emperor Peter I and proceeding from plan requirements he has based a new capital not suitable for the given role from the utilitarian point of view.


Here it is time to name already by name mysterious developers of the global plan and builders of astral cities. To calculate them it is very simple. The matter is that the laws revealed by us perate inside of certain strictly outlined borders and these borders precisely coincide with an area of Aryan tribe’s distribution. Almost all objects mentioned above are a heritage of Aryan culture or lay in contact zones Aryans with other people.

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEThe native land of Aryans (more exact whence an epicenter of their distribution has begun), even the shiest scientists nowadays after opening of Arkaim and the Country of cities recognize Southern Urals Mountains. The traditional science considers that they lived here whether hardly not from the beginning of times more advanced one that they have come to these areas whence else (painfully, synchronously and without intermediate stages appeared their cities have simply have grown from the earth without dialectic evolution from a dugout to a temple-observatory from here is and a conclusion that this evolution occurred somewhere in other place).

In V-II millennia BC has accured a moving of Aryan tribes in which result under their power there was Europe and half of Asia. So, in the east, Aryan expansion has been stopped by representatives Mongolian race only far behind Altai. The sacral object erected here is barrow Arjanas already it was mentioned is astronomically focused pantheon of Aryan soldiers, probably, lay down their violent heads in fights with east neighbors. Not in one other cult centre of burial places it is revealed any more ones and it is necessary to guess only for what the forgotten heroes have received such a honour!

About that last honour has been rendered to them really on merits a fact can testify indirectly in particular: approximately during same time ancestors of Chukcha living hitherto around modern northern border of China have moved to Chukotka. Whether this migration was caused by their direct collision with Aryans or it there was as a result of "motion" of the people we hardly will learn but connection of this event with Aryan intrusion is doubtless. It is impossible to ignore one more interesting detail it is simply ideally entered in our narration. Primordial inhabitants of Chukotka superseded by Chukchas from the places of dwelling have plunged all tribe on boats and have sailed further away to the north, on … Sannikov Earth which we mentioned above! Whether they have reached there or not we do not know too but nobody heard more about Onkilons these people became legendary, as well as, an island on which they hoped to find a new native land for themselves.

In the south of continent matters were absolutely in another way. Passing over Iran plateau Aryans have intruded on peninsula Hindustan. Here they have faced advanced civilization Harappa. Its founders were Dravids and Gonds -Negros related to present Papuans. Having understood that forces are equal a confrontation will not result in nothing except mutual destruction both people have peacefully lodged nearby and in pair of centuries assimilated each other having given rise to present Hindus.

In the Middle East, in Mesopotamia and Canaan (present Palestine) Aryans have crushed without effort the semito-Hamitic people which were during that time in their development at level of the Stone Age, having tired out whom to lifeless Arabian desert whom in the Egyptian slavery. During this invasion the Aryan tribe Solivs has based settlement Ur in Canaan. Ur was not an own name and occurred from an Aryan word «var », that meant only «the fenced place, a fortress» and as of settlements with such simple name already were full (Ur mentioned above Haldejsky, for example) to distinguish cities from others Solims began to name it with the specifying adjective occurring from their ethnic self-name - Ur-Solim (the Fortress of Solims). And, in spite of the fact that for multithousand year history this city repeatedly passed from one hands to others and has learnt of its conquerors as no one else first-born its name is easily learnt even in a modern pronunciation - Jerusalem.

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEHave pulled about Aryas also Egypt: « They went, bearing before them wall oh fire »- is short, but capaciously testifies Egyptian an annalist… But, whether Egypt has rendered worthy resistance (it is not necessary to forget that in those times it was a super state), whether Aryes did not involve distribution to the south of 30th parallel to break completely it they did not become. However, to sleep easier Egyptians didn’t become therefore as to the north of Canaan, in Asia having subdued local Hurit the population, Aryan tribes Luviet and Nesit, having accepted a name Hets have created the state. The kingdom of Hets became the first state formation among Aryan tribes. Its capital (Hattus) mentioned when conversation had on the objects located on 40th width. On the arms of the Hettsky Kingdom its attributes of the heavenly patron God of thunderstorm Teshuba a bilateral pole-axe have been represented and well-known to us as two-headed eagle also.

PETER’S THE GREAT CODESo, the present state symbolic of Russia is a direct continuation of Aryan tradition and its history begins not from Ivan III and not from Byzantium dynasty of Paleolog as it is accepted to consider wrongly but, at least, in five thousand years before them!

But from Europe Aryas have not left a stone on a stone it is from present France to present Ukraine during describing times Negros occupied, the truth, not Australian but the Ethiopian anthropological type. However, as warm as in India of relations between the black and white has not developed. What they have not divided it is not known but slaughter has gone the uncompromising. About degree of its bitterness can testify the fact that exactly since that time the white have begun to represent the devil as a Negro and the Negro devil, on the contrary, became white. And an animal of Negro tribes a snake or a dragon has so densely grown together with image of the enemy of a human race that even millennia later in folklore of the Aryan people remained the ruthless, blood-thirsty monster demanding constant human sacrifices. By he way, one of national legends says that the name of defensive snake shaft near Kiev which we mentioned above occurs from the legend about the ancient athletes who pacified and have harnessed snake in a huge plough with which they ploughed the ditch which has designated limits of the country.

Popularity in heraldry of a horseman image of the trampling a dragon (as, for example, on the arms of Moscow) became other echo of this opposition. After Christianity arrival it began to associate with George Pobedonosets, however, its roots leave deeply in pre-Christian times. And the hero killing a snake with a spear is a collective image of the Aryan hero-winner of dragons. English Chajld-Wind, the German Zigfrid Nibelung, Indian /Indra ,/Greek Persey, at last, our native Ivan-tsarevitch, cutting out the heads to Zmey-Gorynych in known battle «on Snowball trees bridge over the river the Currant» could be it Well, and for whom an Europe has remained the answer is obvious …

Having crushed black Europeans, Aryas have encountered on yellow and white (who in then Europe, it appears only did not live!). Inhabitants of the north of British Isles Pikts relatives of modern Eskimos were yellow. They have organized and long enough beat off from newcomers definitively to cut out them it was possible only to the Scottish kings (R.L.Stevenson's sad poem «Heather honey» narrates just about it). And with white inhabitants of then Europe Arias have faced on a territory of modern Spain. They were Ibero-Kolh. Have unrolled both that, and others. Ibers have tired out in mountains (which now are called as Iberijsky) where they live until now became the people of the Basques which have not received neither independence, nor statehood.. And Kolhs as unfortunate Onkilons have compelled with wives, kiddies and simple belongings to plunge on the ships and to go for searches of a new residence. They have found it after long wanderings behind six seas on the Black Sea coast of Caucasus where have based the state Colchis (Argonauts, subsequently, here will sail for a gold fleece) and have given rise to modern Georgians, Abkhazians and to Dagestans.

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEAnd Aryan invasion has avoided the European part of Russia. Aryas were cattlemen, therefore ideal for cattle shepherding near Black Sea steppes seduced them much more than Meschera woods where it was not room to develope with herds. Separate expeditions to the north were, of course, undertaken. Observatory ruins on the well-known Kulikovo field (astronomically focused Gipsy stone, the three-meter stone triangles specifying to points of rising in days of equinoxes and, even, fragments of a stone astrolabe) or recently opened in the Ryazan area, around village Spassky Luka the rests of the wooden sanctuary at once christened in pseudo-scientific circles «Ryazan Stonehange» testify about that, for example.

But, as a whole, interest to these places has not been shown and they till any time remained in possession of their owners - Finno-Ugric tribes. And the future Russian lived during that time on the other end of the world from these places. And who knows, may be, in Arjan barrow sleeps with eternal dream the far ancestor of someone from those who reads now these lines. And on places of present moving the descendants of Arias and ancestors of Russian Slavs will definitively locate only in VIII century of our era.

However, even without territory of the future Moscow Russia it has become one and a half continent. Under the power of Aryas And inside of this moving zone has been created the network of the sacral centers concealing the ciphered information which it is necessary to read for us.


With a certain share of probability it is possible to assume that knowledge of the global plan in the reduced kind could be carried through millennia by a certain secret society of devoted people (well, of course, not «Prior of Zion») degenerated by Peter's times in banal Masonic lodge or alchemical sect which mimicried under a monastic community and overstayed excitements of this world behind walls of any remote monastery. Someone from keepers among the other adventurers who have rushed to Russia in Peter’s time could acquaint with the plan of the emperor and find in his face of grateful follower. We will try to "calculate" this person proceeding from preconditions accessible to us. It is logical to assume that he should enter into «a near circle» and have sufficient influence on Peter to have education above an average level for his epoch to be good at astronomy (or astrologies) and geodesies. From all «little birds of Peters nest » to our description most of all corresponds Jacob Vilimovich Bruce.

PETER’S THE GREAT CODESecrets surround Jacob Bruce since his birth, where and when it has occurred authentically it is not known, as well as, the circumstances which have led him to Moscow. According to some data (Valishevsky) he was a Swede to other ones a Scot the native from a royal family.

In 14 years he freely spoke in three languages knew mathematics and astronomy and in 16 has registered to «amusing armies». Just here he has begun his prompt flight on a career ladder. By thirty years Bruce has headed all Russian artillery and has received a rank of general
field marshal. Peter trusted to Bruce the major diplomatic negotiations and subsequently has granted him with a title of the count and has entered him into structure of government the Senate. Jacob Bruce became by the first cavalier of the main award of Empire Andrei Pervozvanny's awards.

Bruce successfully combined the state activity with the scientific one. For example, despite of burdens and deprivations of military service, during the Azov’s campaign he has managed to draw a map of the Russian south from Moscow to Crimea. In frameworks of "Great embassy» namely to Bruce Peter has charged to hire for work in Russia scientists and teachers to buy books and tools. Bruce not only has coped with a put task but also after returning has joined himself to teaching activity with enthusiasm.

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEIn 1699 in Moscow according to the decree of the tsar has started to work the School of mathematical and navigational sciences the first educational institution in Russia where among other disciplines the astronomy they began to teach. In 1692-1695 the Sukharev’s tower has been specially built for it. Bruce has organized an observatory in it and began to train personally future seafarers to supervision. At this time he has published a map of the star sky and began to let out well-known «Bruce calendars». Bruce also has translated a book of Christian Huygens «Cosmoteros» stating a Kopernik’s system and of Newton’s theory of gravitation. In a Russian translation it was called « the Book of world outlook» and served for a long time as the textbook both at schools and at universities.

At a royal court Bruce was considered as a scientist, an astronomer and an engineer but among common people as a sorcerer and a magician. Both points of view, in own way, are right. For his time he was erudite enough but where he has got the versatile knowledge it is not known. Researchers of Bruce’ a scientific heritage declared his research superficial. It was based on references to Bruce's excessive hobby for astrology. For example, that all its supervision over heavenly bodies were used only for drawing up of astrological forecasts, and mentioned above «Bruce's calendars» reminded more magic fairy tales than scientific reports. Reproach Bruce with that he having made a quite good geology-ethnographic Moscow map (it has disappeared in the middle of the last century but there are its descriptions in Academy of sciences) he has added it with an astrological one then.

Bruce's mechanical experiments contemporaries, in general, considered as wild behavior, the mechanical person (the robot, by our way) … Or a flying machine which existed not only on a paper but also in a form of operating metal model (it is in those days when the most courageous dreams of other trailblazers of the fifth ocean were to lift in air a bubble inflated with smoke!). By the way, plane drawings were wasted enigmatically before Great Domestic War. They said that they were stolen by German secret service (one more greetings to you from «Anenerbe») and Bruce's ideas have been used by experts of firm "Messerschmitt".

Comrade Stalin was interested in Bruce’s heritage and mentioned Sukharev's tower he has ordered not to blow up, as, a Temple of the Christ-Savior but to assort on bricks and all finds to deliver personally to him. Also there are all bases to believe that he has found what he searched … but let's not to run forward!

So, namely Bruce we may consider as a person devoted to a secret of the global plan. And proofs of it should be search for not in Petersburg but in old capital.

Bruce has taken a dislike Petersburg. He was the supporter of the concentric city planning scheme, however, Peter, as well as subsequent Romanovs being the fans of straight lines has enjoined to erect a city like Amsterdam with the straight lines perpendicularly crossed streets. Not having managed up to the end to realize himself in St. Petersburg, Bruce has located in Moscow here for him the suitable sphere of action has just turned up.

PETER’S THE GREAT CODEPlan of Peter's times on modern maps after numerous Luzhrov's updatings to make out difficult enough. To simplify a problem to yourself take " a skeleton" of Moscow a map of the underground and peer more attentively into familiar "spider" by name «a Scheme of Moscow underground lines ». There is one ring line with twelve radial shoots … a Circle is divided by 12 parts … the Dial of clocks, and also a horoscope, more truly, the Zodiac circle (but, apparently, we already met it somewhere !) . Certificates according to which comrade Stalin recommended to built underground in accordance with the astrological map made by Bruce have remained. Therefore there are of only 12 stations on a ring line just as there are Zodiac signs, and 13th «Suvorov's square » station by various reasons does not manage to enter in operation till now. There is no an error in Peter's days Moscow has undergone to reconstruction and its city planning plan has been executed in the form of a zodiac map of the star sky. The author of this plan was Jacob Bruce last architect building cities by stars. The patience has developed! I do not doubt that experts in narrow fields will find in my narration any discrepancies to which it will be possible to carp. Besides, behind a board of my research a lot of the constructions have left which are not entered in laws revealed by me, for example, Carnac in France, not speaking, about astronomically focused constructions of Central America or figures of Easter Island. Unlike the whole weight unsubstantiated, but the "standard" theories to which we for some reason blindly trust, in general, without arguments, I have mentioned in my research only the facts. The facts which are known to everybody the facts which any my reader can check up by means of a World map from the first textbook of geography. The facts which during 5000 years stick out of the Earth. The facts which are described before me by hundreds of professional researchers. And as it is not painfully I have opened nothing new. I only systematized that others have collected before me and have looked at results of their works in a new fashion. It is a pity, if you have not seen what I have seen …

Source: www.history-ryazan.ru

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Author:  V.V.Orlov


  The city, which could not be built