Atlantic ocean: Natural objects ПИК ДУАРТЕ / Pico Duarte

PHOTO: [a52] 19° 2'0.80"С 71° 0'19.18"З

Пик Дуарте — гора, самая высокая точка Антильских островов — высота над уровнем моря 3087 метров, являетcя частью Центральной Кордельеры острова Эспаньола и находится на территории Доминиканской республики.



Pico Duarte is the highest peak in all the Caribbean islands and tallest mountain in all of the Americas outside of the great western cordilleras (Rockies, Andes and their associated systems). It lies in the Cordillera Central range, the greatest of the Dominican Republic's mountain chains. The Cordillera Central extends from the plains between San Cristóbal and Baní to the northwestern peninsula of Haiti, where it is known as Massif du Nord. The highest elevations of the Cordillera Central are found in the Pico Duarte and Valle Nuevo massifs.

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