South America: Pyramids КАСМА / Casma Valley.

Casma Valley. Б.jpg
PHOTO: Pedro M. A. 9°27'54.75"Ю 78°14'32.68"З

В долинах рек Сечин и Касма, почти в четырех сотнях километров к северу от столицы Перу, Лимы, давно искали золото инков. Но то, что нашли археологи из Германии и Перу, для ученых, пожалуй, важнее коллекции украшений времен испанской Конкисты. Здесь обнаружена самая древняя монументальная постройка Нового Света. Это здание, сооруженное из кирпича-сырца, возведено почти на девять столетий раньше, чем Караль, «первый город Америки». По методу радиоуглеродного анализа оно датировано 3400 — 3200 годами до новой эры. В то время в Нильской долине еще не зародилась держава фараонов, а о строительстве пирамид никто даже не мечтал.



The Casma Valley in Peru's Ancash Department hosts a wide range of significant archaeological sites. These include newly discovered geoglyphs in Pampa Colorada, the hill top fortress of Chankillo, and Sechin Alto - the largest Pre-columbian site in Peru. The Sechin Alto complex includes a half dozen sites: Sechin Temple, Cerro Sechin, Sechin Alto, Sechin Bajo, Taukachi-Konkan, Pampa Rosario, and Moxeque. Approximately 1,500 years before the current era, the complex of Moxeque was built in the Casma Valley. It's placement makes it a part of the greater Sechin Alto group. It consists of a stepped pyramid constructed of stone and adobe, with a rounded outline design, or more than 160 meters to a side and approx. 30 meters high, with curved corners throughout. This possibly indicates a special relationship with Chankillo. This complex has wide plazas, habitation, patios, and cemeteries. Uniquely it also has 6 large figures made from stone and adobe, colored red, emerald green, black and yellow. Moxeke-Pampa de las Llamas complex covers about 220 hectares with two major platform mounds and intervening terraced plazas on the site's 1.1 km long centerline (Pozorski and Pozorski). The Moxeke mound measures 170 m by 160 m by 30 m., is tiered with rounded corners, has several terraces and a central atrium. The final rebuilding used massive stone blocks, including carefully shaped and polished square ashlars. The front wall has enormous niches with high relief sculpture. Huaca A, at the northeast end of the plazas, measures about 135 m by 120 m by 12 m and is slightly rhomboid in shape. This tiered platform is symmetrically covered by chambers. Huge, low-relief clay friezes of felines decorate the building entrance. The mound is fronted on the centerline by a sunken plaza and a stone platform with a circular stone court.