North America: Natural objects Южный Койот Батс / South Coyote Buttes

PHOTO: funtor 36°57'36.16"N 112° 0'22.06"W

Красные холмы «Койот Батс» (Coyote Buttes) являются частью национального заповедника Вермилион Клифс (Vermillion Cliffs) расположенного на территории двух штатов - Юта и Аризона



The Coyote Buttes Special Management Area sits between Utah's Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument and the upper section of the Paria Canyon Wilderness Area - Vermillion Cliffs National Monument. This desolate land contains a disorderly collection of fantastically twisted and striated sandstone. Multitudes of the beehive shaped hills or buttes appear to be enveloped in a sea of colorful petrified waves while other bizarre formations have been contorted into caverns, arches, domes and fragile fins - all slowly crumbling as they continuously succumb to the forces of nature.

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