Africa: Natural objects Окло / Oklo

PHOTO: 1°18'26.80"Ю 13° 5'59.52"В

Во время проведения обычного анализа образцов урановой руды выявился очень странный факт — процентное содержание урана-235 было ниже нормы. В природном уране содержится три изотопа, отличающихся атомными массами. Самый распространённый — уран-238, самый В открытом карьере для разработки залежей урана в Окло, в Габоне, обнаружено более дюжины зон, где когда-то происходили ядерные реакции. редкий — уран-234, и представляющий наибольший интерес — уран-235, поддерживающий цепную ядерную реакцию…



Can a uranium deposit begin self-sustaining nuclear reactions without human intervention? In 1972, while analyzing uranium which had been mined in Oklo, Gabon, Africa, some French scientists discovered some uranium which had an abnormally small percentage of the isotope U-235 as compared to U-238. In most uranium 0.72% is U-235, and no natural uranium had ever previously been discovered which was more than 0.1% different from 0.72%. In trying to explain why the particular ore they were analyzing was different, the French scientists were led to the hypothesis that a fission chain reaction had occurred in this ore, hence a natural reactor had existed long before man ever discovered fission or built a nuclear reactor. Since they also hypothesized that the reactor was about 2 billion years old, it is of interest to biblical creationists to find out whether the numerical data that were gathered could also be explained in a biblical time frame or whether it is evidence for accelerated nuclear decay.