South America: Ancient cities Льяктапата / Llactapata

PHOTO: FLACO KNIGHT 13°14'7.60"Ю 72°25'23.11"З

Льяктапата (кечуа Llaqtapata), букв. «город ступеней» или «город террас» (также Патальякта, Patallaqta) — город империи Инков в Перу. Находится в долине реки Урубамба в департаменте Куско, 80 км к северо-западу от города Куско, на высоте 2,5 км над уровнем моря. В 15 км к северу находится знаменитый город Мачу-Пикчу, также созданный инками. В отличие от Мачу-Пикчу, Льяктапата находится не на горной вершине, а непосредственно у реки Урубамба.



Llactapata was discovered by Hiram Bingham in 1912, a short time after he had come across the ruins of great Machu PicchuThe word "llacta" means "town", while "pata" means "height". It is believed that a high-ranked Inca had ordered the construction of Llactapata and that the place must have had some connection with Machu Picchu (located further northwest). Bingham had many difficulties in uncovering the ruins from the dense vegetation. The nearby Aobamba Valley near Llactapata was also infested with poisonous snakes. The height of the trees also prevented clear observations, even though the team had put enormous efforts into chopping the vegetation down with machetes in order to pass through. Shortly after discovery, the ruins of Llactapata were left and covered again by vegetation.

undefined 24.01.2023 23:08:53
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